Please may I whip your kids?

HEHEH skit i rubriken för det stämmer inte för mig, men det är bara så här att lyssna på en låt på mobilen vid namn " please may i whip your kids?" gjord utav yourfavoritmartian feat nicepeter. En ganska grym låt, det sätter sig ganska lätt på huvudet som kan vara ett plus för dom som har gjort låten.
Men iallfall, ligger i sängen nu och pluggar skolarbete...känns så där när man ligger och huttrar. Menmen bara dra på sig filtar o tänkten, så känner mig som en munk(muffin). Istället för att dricka kaffe som jag brukar har jag faktiskt en halv liter vatten istället, ganska bryd över mig själv.

"I don’t know if you’re aware, but your kids suck ass
If you need someone to whip ‘em then, ha… just ask ’cause
They ain’t as perfect as you say they is
They ain’t perfect at all
You’re raising Bebe’s kids

I’m sorry. I don’t know you
I don’t mean to get pissy
But you need to discipline your bratty kids, you hippy.
Like c’mere you little jerk
Taste the back of my palm!
But you ain’t my daddy!
Nah! But I’m doing your mom!

Now I know you think they’re angels
But they’re driving me insane
I’ll punch a baby in the face
Just for cryin’ on a plane
Cause I don’t mess around
You need to control ‘em or I’ll lose it

But I made you a drawing.

Shut the f-ck up, kid. That’s stupid
Now Imma get my truck
Imma load all my boys in back
Imma find out where you live and break all your toys in half
And I know it ain’t your birthday
But when nobody’s lookin’
Imma give you a little present

What? An ass-whoopin’!

Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. I wanna whip your kids.
Please let me whip your kids
Please I wanna whip your kids
Please let me whip your kids
Please I wanna whip your kids

I never ever thought I’d say a kid deserved to get hit But it’s obvious time-out ain’t working for sh^t!
Yeah, I’ve seen your parenting style. It ain’t all that
You gotta hit the little brat with a whiffle ball bat
‘Cause this is obviously more than just a youthful rebellion
You gotta belt the little hellions with a belt when they’re yellin’
‘Cause you don’t want me to do it
‘Cause I’ll paint their little brains all over the wall
When I spank ‘em with a chainsaw

And why are they acting wild and loose?
If they deserve the ass-whoopin’, it ain’t child abuse.
When I’m tryin’ to buy groceries, and they’re muckin’ up my style.
They’re like drunkin’ little midgets runnin’ up and down the aisle.
Touching everything in sight, and geez for Christ’s sake
I think one of ‘em just stuck his little p-nis in my cake
And now Imma have to put it back and get a new one and it bugs me.

But mommy says I’m beautiful.
Shut the f-ck up kid, you’re ugly!

Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. I wanna whip your kids.
Please let me whip your kids
Please I wanna whip your kids
Please let me whip your kids
Please I wanna whip your kids

Please let me whip your children.
Please let me whip your kids.
I can’t stand kids misbehaving, running around and disobeying.
All they need is a kick in the pants.
A punt in the butt.
A lesson that will finally shut ‘em up!
Please let me whip your children.
Please let me whip your kids.

Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
I’m gonna whip. I gotta whip!
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
I gotta whip!
Please may I whip your kids. Whip your kids.
or get em out of the way.

Oh, come on people, it’s a joke.
We would never hit anyone’s kid, come on!
I love kids!"

Kolla in videon här --->

Men iallfall så har jag ridit min lilla fis, gick jätte bra. Hon var pigg men som vanligt nu med mera, det har blivit så kallt ute.. uusschha säger jag bara. Iallfall börjar känna mig kraaslig.. inte roligt alls, behöver verkligen inte det här nu. för mycket i skolan o annat... har inte tid att vara sjuk... mitt liv har tillräckligt med svårt att trycka in plugget med dom få 24h man har ... skulle lätt vilja ha 48h på ett dygn!! kan man  inte få ändra???

Ska fortsätta plugga o sedan dunkar man nog kudden...inte roligaste men istället för fulltös medvetslös så blir det slut o medvetslös.

Kram på er seee ya later alligator!




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